🥳 New ESS SL & HL courses for first examinations May 2026 released! 🚀

IB Psychology

Psychology is the in-depth and systematic study of human behaviour. Psychology acknowledges that behaviour and cognitive processes are adaptive, based on the changing times, encouraging students to challenge assertions and acknowledge uncertainty. Students are invited to make use of a multidisciplinary approach using rigorous research techniques to describe, explain, and understand human behaviour.

Course Structure and Content

Students have an option to take IB Psych at a Standard level (SL) or at a Higher level (HL). Both levels will learn the core topics focusing on biological approaches (e.g neurotransmitters, the brain, genetics & evolution), cognitive approaches (e.g. models of memory, thinking and decision making, emotion & cognition), and sociocultural approaches (e.g culture, social identity theory, stereotypes) in understanding human behaviour. Students at the higher level will cover additional HL extension topics on the influence of globalisation on human behaviour, animal research, and cognitive processing in the digital world. These topics are reflected in the Paper 1 external assessment.

HL students are required to study at least two of the following options: Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, and the Psychology of Human Relationships. SL students are required to study one of these options. Knowledge and understanding of these topics are assessed in the Paper 2 examination. Finally, HL students will also be externally assessed on their understanding and analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods in Paper 3.

Both SL and HL students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge of the core content and approaches to research through an internally assessed Psychology Experiment.

Tips for success

  1. Read the questions carefully and identify the specific topic in question, command term, and the behaviour in focus.
  2. Familiarise yourself and study key terminology and research used to explain behaviour in relation to the core topics and options.
  3. Practise critical thinking by tolerating uncertainty, looking at possible methodological and ethical considerations in research, and being open with diverse perspectives and explanations to human behaviour.

RV Psychology is designed to maximise your academic results through multiple-choice questions related to key terminology and research, practise critical analysis and understanding of content through short-answer and essay questions on all topic and content areas available through our Questionbank and other tools available to meet your learning needs.