IB Mathematics Analysis and Approaches Formula Booklet SL & HL

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the IB Math Analysis & Approaches Formula Booklet?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) has released an official Formula Booklet (also referred to as ‘Data Booklet’) for students studying the IB Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (AA) courses (SL and HL). The booklet contains important formulas taught in the AA SL & HL syllabi.
Are there different Formula Booklets for AA SL & AA HL?
No – there is only one. In the previous IB Mathematics curriculum (2014-2020, Studies, SL, HL and Further), there were different Formula Booklets for each course. This changed when the current IB Mathematics Curriculum (2021-2027, AA & AI) was introduced. There are now two formula booklets in total, one for the AA courses and one for the AI courses. The formula booklets for the AA SL and AA HL courses have been consolidated into the one document, referred to as the ‘IB Mathematics Analysis and Approaches Formula Booklet, SL and HL’ (likewise for the AI courses).
How should I use the Analysis & Approaches Formula Booklet?
The AA Formula Booklet is useful for two reasons: 1) to easily refer to formulas when solving questions, and 2) to get a high level view of the full scope of the AA SL & HL courses. It is recommended that students have the AA SL/HL Formula Booklet with them whenever revising Analysis and Approaches theory or practicing exam questions. By doing this, students will become familiar with the formulas available to them, and also understand the scope of their course; the concepts involved, how concepts are categorised in topics and how they are interlinked with other concepts in the course.
Can the Analysis & Approaches Formula Booklet be used in examinations?
Students are permitted access to the official IB AA Formula Booklet in IB examinations. Please note: the AA SL / HL Formula Booklet published by Revision Village is not the official IB Formula Booklet. Revision Village has made life easier for AA students by consolidating all of the formulas in the official IB AA Formula Booklet (13 pages) onto one page, for easy reference and to gain a high level view of the entire AA courses. This Revision Village condensed version of the AA Formula Booklet is not permitted in the final IB exams.